
Also called an 'open space' conference.

The idea was first introduced to me back in Colorado around 2008. Since then, I've introduced different iterations at events I've facilitated and/or attended.

Further reading:

Below are the results where I introduced a similar concept.

11/12/09 Marketing SIG Roundtable results


Per our discussion and as promised, here is a synopsis of the marketing SIG roundtable that you may forward along to the DCF president.

On Nov. 12, 2009 I participated in DCF’s Marketing SIG prior to the general monthly DCF meeting. The topic or challenge posed to the group was essentially ‘How to get new clients’.

I suggested a simple structure to the 19 coaches (of whom consisted of executive, relationship, career, and life coaches) who were present. Here it was: That we go around the circle and each answer this one question: How did you get your last client? Here were the answers:

What was surprising to the group was that of all the ways we got our last client, only 2 techniques (speaking & referrals) showed up more than once. And the one common thread of success among every technique mentioned? That a position of trust was first established. In other words; the way you get new clients is to create a set of circumstances where trust can be established. Also worth noting: only 2 people mentioned traditional advertising techniques.

The point is this: The answer to the problem posed already existed in the collective wisdom of everyone who was sitting in the that group. The structure of asking a the right question revealed the answer that already existed in the group. There was no need to bring in an expert because the group had the answer all along.

I would be happy to help facilitate this structure at future SIGs. In fact, I believe that you could dedicate an entire evening to this purpose along. Consider having 4 different SIGS; because if we had more time, we could have likely addressed more problems posed by a member of the group using the same technique. In fact, there is a growing moving called an ‘Un-conference’ where this type of format is found to be very effective.