
Synthwave, outrun, retrowave, futuresynth

aka chillwave, outrun, retrowave, future garage, futuresynth

If my dreams had a soundtrack, synthwave would be the genre.

New! The Rise of the Synths Documentary - Highly Recommended!

One way to get a quick idea of what Synthwave is, is to listen to these samples from my Spotify playlist:

2024 Synthwave

Defined on Wikipedia

Synthwave is an electronic music microgenre that is based predominately on the music associated with action, science-fiction, and horror film soundtracks of the 1980s. Other influences are drawn from that decade's art and video games. Synthwave musicians often espouse nostalgia for 1980s culture and attempt to capture the era's atmosphere and celebrate it.

My Favorite Synthwave Artists

It takes me back to my carefree childhood. Where the colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning after rain is more fragrant than ever...

A well known synthwave breakout example was the soundtrack for Stranger Things heard by millions:

One of the early pioneers of synthwave was John Carpenter who wrote & composed the soundtracks for his own movies:

An early example of Synthwave can be found in the 1982 movie TRON by Wendy Carlos - A Synthwave Pioneer!

Get your synthwave on and Rock On!

Marvel '83


These are a few of the artists that were doing synthwave before the genre existed:

Going Further

Synthwave artists on Soundcloud

Early Synthwave