Last words

I am struck by the permanence of a friends last words. No more changes. Everything is impermanent until death. Reading Steve Job's (Apple) final words, you will read a common thread of the singular significance of one thing we come to realize in the end: Love.

Writing is something I do everyday. I do it for the love of it. Not out of obligation, but from a place of joy. My writing is an expression of who I am. I will always have more to say until I cease to exist.

Writing is not something I want to do, it's something I have to do.

Writing is my prozac. It gives me a chance to reflect and gain clarity. With this new clarity, it allows me to live more mindfully. You could say mindfulness and writing go hand in hand.

We teach what we need to learn. We speak what we need to hear. We write what we need to read.