
1 broken habit is a mistake, 2 broken habits is the start of a new habit. ~ James Clear

When we know we are being observed, we tend to perform better.

It's the REASON why we apply Don't Break the Chain for 8 weeks. Once you've done it consistently every day for 8 weeks, it becomes a habit and it takes far less willpower to do it!

It's why the duration of most bootcamps is 8-weeks.


I recall the yoga class we did when we were being filmed. The entire class went all out for shorter duration (30 mins instead of 60). Knowing we were being filmed honed our focus.

The show Biggest Loser plays to this phenomena, known as the Hawthorne Effect.

"The novelty of being research subjects and the increased attention from such could lead to temporary increases in workers' productivity."

In a real way, a timer can serve the roll of 'observer,' as can gamification.

When you measure what matters, what you measure matters more.

If you limit yourself to 45 minutes to write, you will write more within those 45 minutes. The awareness of a time limit highlights the scarcity of it.

A good way to cut back on activities you suspect are not working for you is to set a time limit.

For example, I can easily spent 4+ hours on a client website. But the more time I spend on a project, the lower the ROI (return-on-investment) the project produces (usually), and the less time I have to pursue other projects.

A Public Declaration

Be careful what you sign up for. But it's less about what you signup for and more about the measure of success. Like in a scope of work, unclear expectations set you up for failure.

Don't worry about beating yourself up. When you declare an objective, and integrity is a high value, you'll do whatever it takes to stay in integrity with your word.

1,667 words per day

The history of NaNoWriMo. It began in 1999 with 21 writers stepping up for the challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in a 30-day period. Today, over 300,000 people take part in the challenge annually. Today, the non-profit generates over 1 million/year in donations and hundreds of volunteers.

I love the way the site gamifies an activity like writing. It gives writing greater purpose by keeping focus on the outcome, not the result.

I can control the effort, not the outcome.

The idea generation game is like this. I'm excited by the potential of tapping into the collective wisdom of the crowd.


To train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.

Without discipline, you'll never establish new habits. Discipline is not something we're born with, so we need to find a way to make it happen for ourselves. The problem arises because initially, it's more work... but long-term, it's less work and those who succeed in establishing a new habit stay anchored in the benefit, not the effort.

Establishing New Habits

Changing your life begins with changing your habits.

Progress Check-In

Making Habits More Satisfying

Physical Space Design

Q. What can I do today to establish a new habit of action?

A. To establish a new habit of action, you can start by following the Two-Minute Rule. This rule states that when you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do. By scaling down your desired habit into a two-minute version, you make it as easy as possible to start. For example, if your goal is to walk 10,000 steps each day, your two-minute version could be as simple as putting on your running shoes. This approach helps counterbalance the tendency to take on too much at once and allows you to reinforce your desired identity each day. Remember, simplifying the process and focusing on the first movement can be key to establishing a new habit of action.

Further Reading
