
How to become a codepen ninja.

New for 2020

Fork before you tinker

The cardinal sin in Codepen is to start modifying something you worked hard on building. When it breaks you'll have to work to get it back. There is no undo button in Codepen! Is there? Trust me when I tell you with iterations, you always want to have the option to revert back to your original! Before you begin playing with an existing, pen, fork it!

Codepen Rockstars

Codepen Templates

Pen Templates - CodePen Blog

And here's a template I created for you:

Sample Template

Codepen API

Chris pointed me to this page after I asked him about the old school Codepen Bookmarket that is no longer available:

POST to Prefill Editors - CodePen Blog



Linking directly to CSS, JS, or HTML code

How do you link directly to a JS file in Codepen?

This feature was removed as shown in the screenshot (kept for historical purposes), but you can still achieve the result by adding a .html, .css, or .js at the end of your URL. Examples:

How to link directly to a JS file in Codepen

CodePen Topics

Codepen Topics

CodePen Walkthroughs

The best way to to learn a new tool is to watch someone use it!

Here are some users on CodePen you can shadow while they work in Codepen:

Building off Codepen

Description of project:

Rather than use a bloated CMS like wordpress/drupal/joomal etc, use a Google Sheet!

The result is a fast, responsive static site that you edit in Google Sheets!


Any URL's added here will be added as

More Reading...

Getting Started - 5 Pens to Fork

Code Penners to Follow