Buddha Eye

Three Eyes on the World (Adapted from: The Tao of Abundance)

What follows is my interpretation of the Unity of The Tao

My goal is to create a script that brings me unity to the tao anytime I meditate.

It's helpful to understand the three eyes we have on the world. They can be explained briefly as follows:

  1. Dharma = name, form, and ego. Through the Dharma Eye we see what 'is' as in space & time, thinking, and ego. Through language, comparisons, and processing - Dharma is the manifestation of intention. It's our primary method of processing all that is - it's where our minds spend 99% of our time.

  2. Wisdom = a totally thoughtless being. A return to oneness. Through the Wisdom Eye we see without space & time, without thought, and without ego. Wisdom is the wonder of the Tao without intention.

  3. Buddha = the marriage of heaven and earth - to see both Wisdom (heaven) and Earth (Dharma) is nirvana or bliss. The Buddha eye is the origin of all life, of all that is real and unreal. The Buddha eye trusts the innate intelligence behind the source (The Tao).

My Meditation Script (an evolving work in progress)

Do not listen with your ear, but listen with your mind. Do not with your mind, but listen with your breath. Let hearing stop with your ear, let the mind stop with its images. With each breath, I am empty myself of any remaining thought, until the final thought of the ‘I’ (Atman) is let go and all that remains is the Absolute Self (Paramatman). This connection with Paramatman is the reality that the universe only exists in my mind and my mind creates the universe I choose to experience. Anytime a thought (Dharma eye) resurfaces I use my breath to empty the thought out of my mind and stay connected to Paramatman. I reach a state of Paramatman once I stop breathing and let the universe breathe through my body.

The paradox is that being conscious of my own breathing, I am not yet to a state of Paramatman, yet it is breathing that gives me access to the Wisdom eye. Instead, trust that the breath will become a habit and occurs unconsciously most of the time. So breathe allows us to see beyond the Dharma Eye - to the Wisdom Eye (without thought. beyond space/time. without ego).

A state of bliss is possible when we see through our Buddha eye. Remember that the Buddha eye is the origin of both Dharma & Wisdom

Once I arrive here (in a deep state of meditation seeing through the wisdom eye), I don’t try to solve any problems (which exist in thought), but rather sit idle with trust for the Tao - the innate intelligence of the universe that continues a beyond thought. By dropping a separate thought I see my connection with the Tao (and it’s the innate universal intelligence which it represents). For the Tao is what gives ‘life’ to all things. And since all things are events - The Tao is the source of all that exists in the Dharma eye (time and space). This I why I can trust Tao as the source of all that is.

Key concepts further examined

1. The Dharma Eye - Name, Form and Ego

(seeing with: space & time, thinking, and ego) Dharma is the manifestation of intention.

How we normally see the world. Everything is separate, distinct. It’s always a comparison of what is and what is not - You/I, This/That, Subject/Object. Everything exists in a name we call it and in form. All feelings of lack stem from the Dharma eye.

2. The Wisdom Eye - A Totally Thoughtless Being

(seeing without: space & time, thinking, and ego) Wisdom is the wonder of the Tao without intention.

To grasp this concept - consider that every ‘thing’ is actually an event. A mountain is an event that last longer than say a life. The planet earth is a global event (one for example that we all as a collective consciousness experience).

The body is also an event - albeit an ever changing one.

So while everything we experience with the Dharma eye is rooted in space and time, the Wisdom Eye is the ability to see beyond space and time.

To see with a Wisdom eye is to experience the non-duality of the world - that is that everything is connected (which you would truly see if you were capable of seeing at a subatomic level).

Meditation is a way to access the Wisdom eye. There are many ways to turn on this high perceptional level. In yoga, I occasionally tap into my Higher Self (Paramatman) and feel a connection to my Self (Atman). I also tap into my Paramatman when I write and do other soul work.

To see wisdom eye is to return to our natural state as a baby - before we had established any ego, separation, or attached any meaning to the word ‘I’.

3. The Buddha Eye - The Marriage of Heaven and Earth

A Psychological disengagement from the ego - letting go of any attachment brought forth by ego - by a state of 'I'- as in Identification of one self.

The ego craves more - more love, approval, attention, status, pleasure, etc... Seeing with the Buddha eye is a realization that we are not our ego, and our Paramatman exists despite our ego (Atman)

To see with the Buddha eye is to see all for it is - both Dharma (with space & time, thinking, and ego) and Wisdom (without space & time, thinking, and ego). Buddha eye is beyond consciousness.

The Ego

The ego exists for the sake of our Dharma eye - for the most part - our social engagement - to protect us as we interact with the world around us. However the goal of seeing though the Buddha eye is to ease suffering and spread enlightenment. The Wisdom eye is the occasional 'knowing' we have - an important awareness in a spiritual sense that we are not our Dharma. Only though this distinction of the Wisdom Eye can we began to see that we are under a 'spell' in Dharma. Our minds are muscles - muscles built with a strong purpose of problem solving. In it's effort to solve all the problems, our minds create limiting, false beliefs of what is possible. Our minds are tuned to think in scarcity. Our minds (and the ego that is the greatest influence) are simply being conditioned by all that we allow into it. The Wisdom Eye is so important because it allows us to see past the false drama of the Dharma eye - all the while knowing that Dharma is an essential part of our ability to interact socially and survive in the physical world.

I like the analogy of the ego to the role of an actor. Talented actors are 100% engaged being the role they play - that's what they are so believable! It's an actors ability to be believable that determines how good they are, right? Despite the actor being 100% in the role, there is still a person behind the role they are playing - a deeper self - or a higher self. If an actor were to began to believe that the role they 'played' was actually they are, we would call them crazy - right? But - consider this: Our ego is simply an act - an act that we want others to believe is who we are. But there's a higher self beyond our act - beyond our ego. A deeper conscious that nobody except our higher self will ever know. It's the absolute self - that our ego rarely exposes to others. It's why authenticity - true authenticity is so rare. The reality is that our egos are simply roles we play - and the roles we play are temporary. Only Paramatman (absolute self) is permanent. This is an important concept to grasp in order to experience true abundance in the world as it truly is.

Apply it! When faced with a challenge, decision, or opportunity to react - ask yourself if your judgment is based on your Dharma or Wisdom? Remember it's the Buddha eye that allows you to see the distinction between the two. Then trust completely (without regret or reservation) in the answer that arises. Ask if you are seeing/acting/reacting based on what you see through the Dharma eye or are you acting (or reacting) based on what you see through the Buddha Eye? Ask is this how my ego would act (or react) or how my Paramatman would act? WWPD? (What would Buddha Do?) vs. WWED? (What would Ego Do)?